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Showing posts from February, 2019

Buhari stretched his neck to see whom his wife voted for.

Today is the election day in Nigeria, after the postpone of the election last week,the date set to be the election day by the EC of Nigeria is today .after the the sitting president Buhari cast his vote,he declared him self as a winner of today's election. He told the Media that he can now call his opposition leader to congratulate him for his great losses  Another funny thing was that after his wife (Buhari) cast her vote , Buhari didn't believe if his wife voted for him or not and he stretched his neck to find out whom his wife voted for..the vote is still ongoing.nigeria remain silent <script data-cfasync='false' type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>

Paul Kagame on Radio Rwanda

Paul kagame on radio Rwanda.if our  country rank first in Africa and the whole world is watching us today it is not it is not because we have Vatican the kabba  the white house the Elesee or the Jaj Mahal here at home No more because you have certain Paul kagame as head of state ,but rather because you have sons and daughters of Rwanda in this country. Men and especially Young people and Rwanda woman who have forgiven each other and who have taken the destiny of their country in their hands by the meaning of work, innovation and patroitism as key to their progress and development. What are we doing here Rwanda is not a miracle nor it is inpossible else where it is simply the commitment of an entire nation expercially Rwanda youth and women but also a political will. Soon will have the best universities in world in our country.we will also have the best hospital in Rwanda .the interlligence and the competent of our children will be equal to or greater than t...

Shatta wale is to organize workshop for underground musicians ( over hit songs tips)

Shatta wale  formally know as bandana (The Dancehall King in Africa)( the champion hit songs maker)  is a renowned  Ghanaian musician who has won over 72  awards  for his Hit songs since 2013 and still counting. He has done many to the music industry in Ghana and still fighting for the best music to  Ghanaians .shatta wale releases 95 songs per year which is not not common in the music scene. According to the hit maker ,He said Ghanaians musicians are hypocrite while because they don't want to disclose what behind the work for the underground musicians to motivate them to work harder ,He also said that the music industry pays well if you really work hard with hit songs. And for that, he going to organize workshop for the underground musicians who is fighting to get hit songs . because he want every ghetto youth to survive as he survived so!

The Book of Mormon ( Gospel)

As part of the restoration of the Gospel God brought forth the book of Mormon another testament of Jesus the power of God Joseph Smith translated this this book from ancient record written on gold plates the Book of Mormon is a record of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americans and contains as does the Bible, the fullness of the everlasting gospel Introductions The Book of Mormon is a powerful witness of Jesus helps us understand his teachings include those in the Bible. The Book of Mormon is convincing evidence if the Restoration of the Gospel through Joseph Smith. you can know yourself that the book of Mormon is gain this knowledge you must read it ponder its message and desire to know if it is true. You must ask your Heavenly father to confirm that it is his words .as you do so he will reveal to you through the holy spirit. As you come to know that the Book of Mormon is true ,you will also come to know b...


  Many has forgotten where they come from and where they will go after death, Money has now become a great ruler ever  around the world and all the youth are chasing money to survive all because  hardships is all over the world,that really shows clearly from the scriptures Jesus said that  hardship that has "never come will come" In the book of Matthew24 Also people don't believe in the Name of Jesus  anymore  , because Jesus said He is coming soon and has not come yet that makes people turning from him ,but remember that he said that he is coming as a theif ,as Noah's days same will happen in the the coming of the Lord Jesus. If you compare Moses and Jesus they have somethings in common. (1)               during the the birth Moses, the                King of Egypt ordered to kill all     ...

The Great Apostasy ..why Jesus church was lost in the century

                  Following the death of Jesus Christ, wicked people perscuted     The Apostles were killed,and priesthood authority including the keys to direct and receive Revelation for the Church, it was taken from the earth because the church was no longer led by priesthood authority, error crept into church church teachings. Good people and much truth remained ,but the gospel as established by Jesus Christ was lost .this period is called the great apostasy. and killed many church members.other church members drifted from the principals taught by Jesus Christ and his Apostles. This apostasy resulted in the formation of many churches with conflicting teachings. During this time many men and women sought the truth but they were unable to find it Many good people believed in God and Jesus Christ and tried to understand and teach truth but they did not have the full gospel or priesthood the result each g...

The restoration of priesthood.

    In 1829 Joseph Smith received the same priesthood authority that Jesus Christ had given to his Apostles.John the Baptist who baptised Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith and conferred on him the Aaronic priesthood or lesser priesthood.peter James and john ( three if Jesus Christ original Apostles) later appeared to Joseph Smith and conferred on him the Melchizedek priesthood or higher priesthood.    After he received priesthood authority, Joseph Smith was directed to organize the church of Jesus Christ again on the Earth . through him Jesus again called twelve apostles.     Just as Jesus led his Apostles through Revelation after his resurrection  .He continues to direct the church today through living prophet and apostles.the president of the Church of Jesus Christ latter day saints is the chosen prophet of God today .      He his counselors and the Twelve Apostles hold the priesthood authority held by all the proph...

How Jesus Christ established his church.

From the time of the creation,the children of God looked forward to the coming of the savior Jesus Christ.As he had promised,our Heavenly farther sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth over 2000 years ago.     JESUS  lived a perfect life sinless life.he had established His church thought his gospel and performed many miracle he chose twelve men to be his Apostles, including Peter ,James and john He thought them and gave priesthood authority to teach his name and to perform  sacred ordinances such as baptism.    When Jesus established his church,He received instructions from our heavenly  father, he then instructed His disciples . Jesus thought his followers the Revelation From God was rock on which He will build his church.   At the end of his life, Jesus Christ surfered and died for sins for everyone who has live on the earth Through his suffering death and resurrection,the savior made it possible for us to be forgiven.those who has Faith ...

The founder of Ghana empire.

The Ghana empire was know as (wagadou) it was west Africa empire located in the area of present day Southeastern Mauritania and Western Mali   Complex scientist based on trans Sahara trade with salt and gold had exited in the region since ancient times,but the introduction of the camel to the western Sahara on the 3rd century opened the way to great changes in the area that become the Ghana empire By the time of Muslim conquest of North Africa in the 7th century,the camel had changed the ancient more irregular trade route into a trade network.       When Ghana's ruling dynasty began remain uncertain,it is mentioned for the first time in writing records by Mohammed IBN Musa Al khwarizm abuof  in 830 ,in the 11th century cordoban scholar abuof traveled to the region and gave the details discription of the kingdom.he claimed that Ghana could put 200.000 men in a field more than 40.000 of them archers and noted they had Calvary forces as we...

Functions of aloe vero

       You can add some lemon to the mix Aloe Vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which respiratory dead skin cell on the scalp, it also act as a great conditioner and leaves your hair all smooth and shinny it promote hair growth prevent from itching on the scalp,reduces dandruff and conditions your hair Highlights     .Aloe vera is a miracle plant known for several benefits      .it has antiviral and antibacterial properties     .it can be used in the winter as well as summer season. Aleo vera is extensively used in beauty products and for good got antiviral and antibacterial properties and the ability to help treat everything from constipation to diabetes .Then green looking plant that sit out in your garden isn't just plant with it roots in folklore.its the Crux of million dollar industry that extends from beauty cream's to healthy,juice and diet supplement.overvti...

Palm lines reading.

For females ,the right hand is what you are born with and left is what you have accumulated throughout your life.      For males,it is other way around the left hand is what you have born with and the right hand is what you have accumulated throughout your life .that being said you  can choose which ever hand is dominant to be your present/past life hand( the nondominant life hand would then be your future life hand)   There are different schools of thought on the matter,some say left hand shows potential and what could be not necessarily what will be a difference in the hands could mean one is or is above to take action when it comes to life changing             The four major lines,they may be breaks in them or they may be short but at least three of them are they.    The heart line 1   The head line 2   The life line 3 And the Faith line (only few people h...