Paul kagame on radio Rwanda.if our
country rank first in Africa and the whole world is watching us today it is not it is not because we have Vatican the kabba the white house the Elesee or the Jaj Mahal here at home
No more because you have certain Paul kagame as head of state ,but rather because you have sons and daughters of Rwanda in this country.
No more because you have certain Paul kagame as head of state ,but rather because you have sons and daughters of Rwanda in this country.
Men and especially Young people and Rwanda woman who have forgiven each other and who have taken the destiny of their country in their hands by the meaning of work, innovation and patroitism as key to their progress and development.
What are we doing here Rwanda is not a miracle nor it is inpossible else where it is simply the commitment of an entire nation expercially Rwanda youth and women but also a political will.
Soon will have the best universities in world in our country.we will also have the best hospital in Rwanda .the interlligence and the competent of our children will be equal to or greater than those of the great powers and out country Rwanda will be a new door to opportunities, knowledge technology and innovation for all Africa children and the world will learn from us or better still bring their knowledge.
Rwanda will not only be at the rendezvous of civilization but also of science that will dominate the world.