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The life of sea fish and some animals


The blobfish is a fish that will definitely not
be making any lists about the most beautiful
animals in the world (actually, Smithsonian
notes that it topped the poll for being earth's
most unattractive species), but it deserves
recognition for an entirely different reason; it
is able to live in the deep waters of the sea.
The blobfish is rarely seen but can be found
jn seas off southern Australia, Tasmania,
and New Zealand, and according to
IFLScience, they live in depths of 600 to 1,200
meters beneath the waves.


Along with bowheads and belugas, narwhals
are one of only three whales that spend their
entire lives in the Arctic. They're also one of
the strangest-looking whales, with an ivory
tusk (technically an overgrown tooth) that
extends up to 10 feet from the heads of
males and even some females. Like belugas,
they've never been heavily hunted by
industrial whalers, but indigenous hunters do
target them for their tusks, which can sell for
up to $7,000 each. On top of this hunting
pressure and occasional ship strikes,
narwhals are expected to suffer as sea ice
melts across their Arctic habitat

Frilled Lizard

Australia has a whole host of unique and
interesting animals. This one has a lovely
quirk- when it gets scared it expands the
leather hood on its neck like and umbrella. It
is certainly not a pleasant sight, nor are the
soundsit makes any friendlier. Even though
this member of the dragon family spends his
days mostly on the trees, when it
occasionally has to run on the ground it does
it on its hind legs, a very funny sight
especially when its "umbrella" is fully open.

is a weird name for a very weird animal. Thee-Aye is a monkey type of thing, living only
in Madagascar. They are small creatures
with big eyes, big ears, big fingers and a big
tail, spending their entire lives on tree
branches in the rainforests. They are
nocturnal creatures, which means they sleep
during the day and go hunting during the
night. How it feeds is very interesting, the Aye
-Aye is basically an woodpecker looking for
larvae. It taps the tree trunk with its middle
finger and if it finds something it dangles it
out with the same finger. Delicious!


this armor wearing mammal is the only one
of its kind, surprisingly related to the very
differently looking sloths. It is a small
creature with a bone shell on top of its body,
head and even legs. Its name comes from
the Spanish explorers, who found it. The
different types of armadillos live
predominantly in South America, with only
one reaching the borders of USA. They are
very vulnerable to cold weather, this is why
they use their big front claws to dig holes in
the ground. The armadillos, like most other
animals on this list are an endangered


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