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Wild life animals


Another strange animal, the tapir looks like a
boar with a smallelephant trunk on its nose.
Of course in reality they are connected to the
rhinos and horses, go figure. A native of
South America and Southeast Asia, the Tapir
is a member of a peculiar group of animals,
which has not changed much for millions of
years. They spend their days eating leaves
and fruits with the help of their trunk and
bathing in the rivers. They are surprisingly
good swimmers for their size. The biggest
tapir ever found weighted 363 kilograms, but
the species are not known to attack humans.

One of the scariest animals you'll ever see is
also one of the slowest buggers on the
planet. Sloths live in Central and South
America, have huge claws, which help them
climb/stay on branches, and their face will
give you nightmares(or make you laugh). But
why are they so slow? As it turns out the
leaves they eat contain very little energy, so
they adapted by digesting them very slowly,
sometimes for up to one month. Since the
digestion and energy intake are slowed down
so are their metabolism and motor functions.
lf you want one as a pet make sure to not
feed it too much.

Though many may believe that the pangolin
is related to anteaters, sloths, and
armadillos, the truth is that this scale-
covered insect-eater literally is in a category
all its own! There are only four types of them
jn the world, too.
This unique creature is also known as a
"scaly anteater." Look at that tongue go! The
pangolin uses his extremely long tongue to
lap up entire colonies of ants that it finds

          Armadillo lizard

This is armadillo lizard or Cordylus
cataphractus, endemic to desert areas of
southern Africa. It can grow to around 16 to
21 cm in length. Armadillo lizard is one of the
few lizards that does not lay eggs. It gives
birth to its young and may even feed her
young, which is also unusual for a lizard.
This amazing lizard also have uncommon
defense strategy. It will take its tail in its
mouth and roll into a ball when threatened.
When in this position, the thick squarish
scales along its back and the spines on its
tail will protect it from predators. Wild
population of armadillo lizards are
threatened due to the illegal pet trade.


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